
Showing posts from October, 2020


Asher's journey with TRAPS (Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Associated Periodic Syndrome). Asher was born in September 2019 at 38 weeks gestation following a difficult pregnancy. Right after birth, Asher's color was way off.  He was black and blue and had issues with his heartrate and oxygen levels.  After a day in the nursery for observation, the deemed him healthy and we left the hospital 3 days later.  It wasn't until December 2019 things started to take a turn.  One day after his 3 month injections he became ill.  He had a rash and a fever and was not acting like himself. He also developed weakness of his right side and his arm and leg seemed like they would " get stuck" in the same position at times. This continued until March 2020 before we knew something was seriously wrong.  He was sick constantly with fevers reaching 105. Each time his fever would come (every 2 to 4 weeks) he would get a rash and act like he was in extreme pain. He has widespread inflammat